I recently heard someone say, “Focus on the donut, not the hole.” Don’t get excited — I’m not promoting eating donuts! This analogy reminds me of how easy it is to notice what you don’t have, rather than what you’ve got.
Many people fall into this negative mind-set on the road to making a healthy lifestyle change. They focus on their limitations and how far they have to go, instead of celebrating how far they’ve come. Unfortunately, that unconstructive outlook can lead you to make poor choices and eventually give up.
You must realize that you don’t have to wait to reach your ultimate fitness goal in order to feel great. Every time you make a positive, healthy decision, you achieve greatness. Changing your outlook will influence your future — you have that power.
Practice this mental drill:
- Visualize your goal — see yourself 15 pounds thinner, or running a personal record in your next 5K race.
- Think of the steps you’ve taken today or this week to reach that goal (i.e. eating a healthy breakfast, completing a workout, getting the proper rest), rather than the things you could have done better or still need to do.
- Write down those accomplishments as positive affirmations on index cards (i.e. I ran 4 miles on Wednesday; I slept seven hours last night; I ate low-fat yogurt on Saturday), and place them on your bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, your laptop and your kitchen cabinets. That way, you’re constantly reminded of your progress.
Next time a negative thought creeps into your mind, read one of those index cards and chuck that doubt into the trash. You’re on your way to a healthier you — and you have the proof in writing!