Sunday, June 12, 2011

I enjoy talking about it because I know the benefits that it produces
in EVERY individual. I believe the latest statistics show only 1 in 5
Americans resistance train, and I would argue most of them don't train
as effectively as they can.
After the age of 25, the average person loses 1/2 lb of muscle per year
if they aren't doing anything that requires heavy lifting. (No, lifting
the 24 pack of beer off the floor up to the table doesn't count).  This
wrecks havoc on our metabolism, because muscle is extremely metabolically
active and burns many additional calories.
The latest research from the past 5 years has shown that resistance training
is far more effective in helping a person lose body fat compared to cardio.
Have you ever been in a gym and noticed the best bodies in the gym
are usually in the weight room?! Now that's not saying they don't do cardio 
in order to loose fat you have to do cardio!
Weight training is so effective at fat loss because of  3 main reasons:
1.  EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) because you have just torn
your muscles up and exerted a great amount of effort, your metabolism
is raised for up to 48 hours after a workout.
2.  In the long run it builds muscle.  Each pound of muscle burns
around 30 calories a day, even while you are sleeping!!
3.  Hormone production changes to allow the body to build muscle and
tells the body to release fat to be burned.
Not all weight training is created equal!  The biggest mistake I see
people make in the gym is lifting weights that are way too light for
them (this isn't the case for adolescent boys who are trying to lift WAY
too much weight!).  You should aim for a weight that you can perform
anywhere from 6-15 repetitions to near failure with good form.  When
starting out, pick a weight that can be done 12-15 times.  For general
populations, focus on total body resistance training 3 times a week.
Further guidelines:
1. Warm-up for 5-10 minutes, working the body through full range of motion
2. Pick 7-10 total-body exercises that involve large muscle groups
3. Aim for 6-15 reps
4. 2-3 sets
5. Rest for as little time as possible between sets.
6. Incorporate some core training to directly work abs and lower back
7. Do some interval or burst training (more on that tomorrow) if you have
    time, or save that for another day.
8. Spend a little time stretching, especially the chest and hamstrings,
    after the workout.
9. Workouts should last no longer than 45 minutes if skipping interval training, or
     less than an hour if incorporating intervals.
Common Myths:
Lifting is dangerous:  Lifting is completely safe if shown proper form.
In fact, lifting will help save you from injuries that occur in your daily
Women shouldn't lift because they will get bulky: Women have 30 times
less testosterone than men.  It is very hard for women to put on much
muscle.  The muscle they put on will help create a lean looking body.
With regards to exercise, weight training is the best way to help prevent osteoporosis.
Lifting sessions should take 2 hours:  If done right, weights should take
30 to 40 minutes to perform, with only short breaks in between sets.
Lifting will make me inflexible:  Lifting weights through the full range
of motion will IMPROVE flexibility.
INSANITY Boot Camp incorporates this weight training philosophy, which
is why it is so effective. Each INSANITY Boot Camp workout will incorporate movements found in our daily lives to improve everyday movement function.